

Drupal CMS is finally here!!

It’s one of the most exciting developments in the world of Drupal – the launch of a low code, easy-to-use version of this popular CMS. And it’s just been released!


DrupalCon Barcelona: Our highlights

DrupalCon Barcelona 2024 was one of our busiest yet. We were a platinum sponsor, sponsored the contribution room, had numerous social activities (including Trivia Night), and Annertechies took to the mic at least seven times.


Annertech brings to DrupalCon Barcelona

Ireland’s further education hub leverages Drupal’s workflows and Search API modules to ensure a streamlined, effective user experience for this award-winning website. Alan Burke will show you how we did it at DrupalCon Barcelona.


Annertech is a LocalGovCamp sponsor

This month will see local government representatives from across the UK gather in Birmingham for the annual LocalGovCamp – and Annertech will be there both as an event sponsor and co-hosting a workshop.