

Annertech's #d8in8 (our Drupal 8 Competition) in Review

As part of our efforts to enhance our Drupal 8 knowledge, we have been running an internal competition called #D8in8 (don't worry, you didn't miss it on Twitter; it wasn't trending). Basically, each Annertechie had eight weeks to “do something” with Drupal 8 – port a module, build a theme, migrate a database, anything. After 4 weeks we all previewed our work in an internal Q&A session and tried to help break any blockers anyone had. Then, on Monday (23rd June) we premiered our “finished” products.


5 Reasons why you should use Drupal

Drupal is a content management system, built on PHP for creating large, flexible, modern websites and web applications. Annertech uses Drupal to build (almost) all of our web applications. We love it. Why? Well, here are just 5 reasons:

Transparency: goodness that doesn't cost the earth

Transparency – everybody is talking about it at the moment. Transparency in government (allowing citizens access to what decisions were made and how those decisions came about), transparency in the non-profit sector (allowing donors to know where their money is being spent), transparency in computer software (allowing users to know what code is being installed on a machine/website).


We Specialise in Websites for Charities and Non-profits

Annertech is Ireland's leading Drupal development company. We have built many, many large websites for charities and non-profits. This is an area that we understand intimately and are ready to use our accumulated knowledge to ensure that your organisation grows to become (or remain) the great oak that it deserves to be.