

Annertech's #d8in8 (our Drupal 8 Competition) in Review

As part of our efforts to enhance our Drupal 8 knowledge, we have been running an internal competition called #D8in8 (don't worry, you didn't miss it on Twitter; it wasn't trending). Basically, each Annertechie had eight weeks to “do something” with Drupal 8 – port a module, build a theme, migrate a database, anything. After 4 weeks we all previewed our work in an internal Q&A session and tried to help break any blockers anyone had. Then, on Monday (23rd June) we premiered our “finished” products.


Meet the Annertechies You'll Meet at DrupalCon

Annertech will be descending upon DrupalCon with (nearly) our full team of "Annertechies". So much so that there will be more Annertechies in attendance than all other people from Irish agencies combined. With that kind of showing, we thought we'd introduce ourselves and let you get to know us.


An Irish person takes an Acquia Certified Drupal Exam; the results will astound you

So there I was, sitting in my batcave, minding my own business, wondering what to do with an afternoon. In truth I had plenty of work to do, but since I got paid yesterday, I felt as rich as Bruce Wayne himself and decided to take an afternoon off and splash out on an Acquia Certified Drupal Examination. Which one? Well, to start, the site builder one. Did I pass? Read on, my friends.

Tutorial: Create a Weather and News Reader App with Ionic and Drupal

During the Christmas break, I decided to give myself a challenge: increase my knowledge of app building, AngularJS, and Ionic Framework. Since I didn't know very much about any of them, that was the easy part. I then gave myself a second task - build a hybrid app for my local town that would give us home, current weather, and news tabs, with all content being derived from online data sources.