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Publication date
20 September 2024

Tony Barker to feature in initiative leads’ keynote at DrupalCon

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Don’t miss the Initiative Leads Keynote at DrupalCon Barcelona, where Annertech Frontend Specialist Tony Barker, who heads up the media management track for the Starshot initiative, will unveil his plans.

Tony Barker in a lime green shirt

Session details

Session title: Drupal Core Initiative Leads keynote 

About: Come and listen to what the leads of the various initiatives – including Annertech's Tony Barker – have to say

Where: Auditorium

When: Thursday, 26 September 2024, from 11.45am to 1pm (CEST)

Annertech is a Platinum sponsor for 2024’s DrupalCon in Barcelona

One of the most-anticipated presentations at DrupalCon is the Drupal initiatives leads’ keynote. This is when the leaders of all the latest initiatives describe their progress and innovations, and it’s a really great opportunity to get the inside scoop on where Drupal is heading. 

This year it will be slightly different, because the initiative lead keynote is a Starshot/Drupal CMS track takeover. 

The Starshot Initiative will see the set-up of Drupal CMS, which includes out-of-the-box recipes that will allow people to get Drupal websites up and running quickly. It is the big Drupal story of 2024. 

Tony Barker, who is a frontend specialist, has been tasked with leading up the Media Management track, which covers everything from how media like images, documents and videos are uploaded to how they are rendered. 

During the keynote, Tony will outline the discovery work that he has led over recent months and talk about his plan for Drupal CMS’s media management solution

“It has been a great experience so far to collaborate with everyone on Drupal CMS and we are making quite rapid progress. I am really grateful to everyone who has been involved so far in shaping the media management track. I’m looking forward to presenting an overview of our work so far and how the track is looking at this point.” 

The timeline for launch is short – the goal is to launch Drupal CMS by the end of the year. 

Come and listen to what some of the track leads – who in addition to Tony include Christoph Breidert (Advanced Search), Gareth Alexander (Accessibility), Christian López Espínola (Dashboard) and James Abrahams (AI), alongside Emma Horrell, Tiffany Farriss and Gábor Hojtsy – have to say. 

If you’d like to see the progress that has already been made on this exciting initiative, don’t miss this session.


  • The Drupal Core Initiative Leads keynote will take place in the auditorium on Thursday, 26 September 2024, from 11.45am to 1pm (CEST). 

See who else is presenting

Tony isn't the only Annertechie to take to the stage at DrupalCon Barcelona. Alan Burke, Anthony Lindsay and Karen Leech will also be presenting. 

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Alison Visser Head of Content

After more than two decades in journalism, Alison now collaborates with Annertech's clients to ensure that their content is the best it possibly can be.