Security Vulnerability Management Service
What is security vulnerability management?
A security vulnerability is any weakness that could allow a bad actor to negatively affect or compromise your website. The Annertech Security Vulnerability Management service takes away the uncertainty and unknowns, revealing through comprehensive, understandable reporting exactly how secure and robust your website is.
Any weaknesses will be highlighted for action, so you can make absolutely sure that your site is as protected against attack as you can make it.
Why use it?
Bad actors are everywhere, and the reputational damage from having your site cracked can be devastating. If you are in any doubt, take a few minutes to read our in-depth blog series on security.
In order to secure your website, you need to know what the potential problems are and how to exploit them.
Armed with proper information, you can work through any highlighted problems and resolve them before they are ever discovered by online evil doers.
What are the benefits?
Given the threats that exist in relation to your website, it is crucial to be ahead of the game, and as prepared as possible.
The resulting data breaches can also negatively impact your brand’s reputation and reduce the trust customers have in your organisation.
When it comes to cyber security, taking proactive steps to prevent and mitigate attacks is preferable over the longer term fallout.
Knowing what issues currently exist on your website platform mean that a mitigation plan to remediate the issues can be put in place immediately. Furthermore, regular scheduled scanning ensures that newly identified threats are checked for, and reported on.
New threats arise all the time, sadly, but new checks against these threats are added regularly to ensure your site remains secure.
What is included?
- Regular vulnerability scans of your website to detect, track and analyse potential vulnerabilities
- Detailed reports which include both a technical narrative and remediation steps for all findings
- Advice and recommendations from one of our security specialists. We’ll talk through the report with you, explain how these issues have arisen, and how they are best dealt with.
Does your website need regular scans?
A single scan of your website is very useful, in and of itself, to reveal the issues that exist on your site at any one point in time.
But things evolve - new content and features get added to your website, security updates for software are made available, and crucially, new attack vectors are identified in the wild. Regular scanning helps you stay on top of all of these and ensure nothing new that might put your website at risk has arisen.
And we’ll be there to guide you though and resolve the issue.

The image above is an example of a typical graph you can expect to get in your website’s vulnerability report.
Following each scan of your website, a detailed report will be provided which includes both a technical narrative and remediation steps for all findings.
The vulnerability reports are incredibly valuable, because not only do they highlight all the potential security risks to your website at any given time, they help you ensure that you'd be able to prevent an attack before it even happens.
The saying “forewarned is forearmed“ doesn't quite work when it comes to website security. If you know about a problem or situation in advance, you will be able to deal with it before you need to, not when you need to.
Is your site as secure as it can be?
If you know about a problem or situation in advance, you will be able to deal with it before you need to