

Digital Trends in Higher Education

The higher education world is going through a period of great digital acceleration. In this article we take a look at some of the top digital trends that could transform the higher education sector.


Reflecting back on 2017

We look back on another amazing year in Annertech. With major digital projects launched and more awards won, here we look back on some of the highlights for us in 2017.


Annertech's #d8in8 (our Drupal 8 Competition) in Review

As part of our efforts to enhance our Drupal 8 knowledge, we have been running an internal competition called #D8in8 (don't worry, you didn't miss it on Twitter; it wasn't trending). Basically, each Annertechie had eight weeks to “do something” with Drupal 8 – port a module, build a theme, migrate a database, anything. After 4 weeks we all previewed our work in an internal Q&A session and tried to help break any blockers anyone had. Then, on Monday (23rd June) we premiered our “finished” products.