Category News
Publication date
07 October 2024

Welcome back to backend developer John Cook

Time to read 2 minutes read

We’re thrilled to announce the return of Drupal developer John Cook to Annertech.

John, who hails from York in the UK, has joined Annertech's Managed Services team, where he will be doing backend development. 

John started his career with site building and theming, and then added PHP to his list of specialties. He’s worked at a number of UK-based agencies. 

John Cook in his green mentor T-shirt in the contribution room at DrupalCon Barcelona 2024. Picture by Bram Driesen

John Cook loves mentoring new Drupal developers, and DrupalCon Barcelona 2024 was no exception. Picture by Bram Driesen

He is passionate about the Drupal community and actively contributes as a mentor and event organiser. He has served as Volunteer Coordinator at six DrupalCons!

John first joined Annertech in 2021, and worked with us until 2023, when he left to focus on other projects. 

Welcome back to Annertech, John. We’re glad to have you on board.

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Anthony Lindsay Director of Managed Services

With decades of experience, Anthony leads the Annertech Managed Services Team, delivering top quality design, development, and, ultimately peace-of-mind services to all of Annertech's wonderful clients.